Lexington Clinic South BroadwaY campus

Lexington Clinic | Lexington, Kentucky | 2020

Together with a local and national design-build team, CARMAN has provided comprehensive site design and engineering services for the new Lexington Clinic campus on South Broadway in Lexington.  The demolition of the 1950s medical office building will give-rise for a campus transformation with the construction of a new clinic facility and significant modifications to the internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns.  Closure of the existing S. Broadway access into the campus will provide a much stronger campus and architectural presence to the community for the re-purposed campus.  A new entrance and access drive from Parkway Drive will be constructed that allows better access to the new clinic and existing Ambulatory Surgery Center that will remain as a significant facility in the context of the re-purposed campus.  The new access and modified campus circulation along with a newly designed wayfinding system will give Clinic visitors a clear and concise understanding of safe access to the existing and new Clinic facilities.

The CARMAN office has provided comprehensive design and engineering for the campus site improvements including the rigorous entitlement work with the LFUCG Planning Commission and other permitting agencies.  CARMAN’s work has included extensive improvements to the internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation facilities including a new visitor – patient drop-off area for the new Clinic building.  CARMAN has also developed a green infrastructure approach to stormwater management on the site, provided design and engineering for right of way improvements including a major utility relocation project along S. Broadway and site enhancements through a comprehensive campus landscape improvement program that is contextual with the architecture that reflects indigenous materials and characters of Central Kentucky.