Novak Center for Children's Health

University of Louisville | Louisville, Kentucky

CARMAN was responsible for all civil engineering and landscape architecture for the University of Louisville Pediatric Medical Office Building, an 8-story building located in the densely urban Health Science Campus in downtown Louisville. Visitors and staff will arrive and experience the site from all four sides of the building and include both vehicular and pedestrian travel which presented a unique set of site challenges.

Important elements of the site design reduce conflict points between pedestrian and vehicle and increase safety at conflict points. Site elements guide visitors into the site and to the building and ties the Pediatric Medical Office Building to the surrounding campus. Vehicular site access and drop-off, site utilities, and waste management were coordinated with the adjacent buildings as much as possible to consolidate these necessary components. This allowed the site design to maximize the opportunities for pedestrian enhancements and increase connectivity between the various campus buildings.